نتائج البحث:
نتائج البحث:
The Palestinian Information Technology Association of Companies – PITA is the voice of the ICT sector in Palestine. It has more than 180 member companies working in different ICT sectors such as software and outsourcing sector, hardware sector, training and consultancy sector, Internet and telecommunications sectors. PITA is the reference and representative association of private ICT sector,
and was founded in 1999 by a group of Palestinian entrepreneurs as a non-profit organization to advance the interests and positive societal impact of Palestine’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector.
Project Background
PITA has been cooperating with Small and Medium Enterprise Assistance for Recovery and Transition (SMART) Project towards enhancing the competitiveness of the private sector, and to facilitate and support the integration of Palestinian startups and entrepreneurs in the business market through capacity building of PITA; both improving its service provision to member businesses and to lead ICT related policy reform initiatives.
And so; PITA recognizes that existing policy initiatives need augmentation, such as the absence of a comprehensive incentive package tailored explicitly to support ICT startups, SMEs, and matured companies.
Within this framework, PITA seeks to enlist an individual/ firm to refine the existing position paper on ICT incentives and develop a well-structured position paper that PITA can use to engage with relevant governmental bodies, including IPIEA (Investment Promotion & Industrial Estates Agency), and the relevant ministries, to advocate for the adoption and implementation of the proposed incentives. The position paper should provide actionable recommendations and strategies that can be adopted by policymakers and stakeholders. Additionally, this individual or firm should formulate a list of stakeholders that stand to gain from the incentive package as well as the stakeholders from whom to get consensus. This will help with the formulation of the advocacy strategy.
Scope of work
1.Review and Analysis / Literature Review:
- Conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature, reports, and case studies on incentive packages in ICT sectors regionally and globally, with a focus on similar contexts.
- Identify gaps, opportunities, and areas requiring refinement in the previous position paper that has been formulated to address its failures, and so the expert will be thoroughly analyzing the previous package in terms of the processes followed, applications, nature of requested supporting documents and other aspects according to IPIEA and other related parties.
- Identify best practices and lessons learned from other countries that can be adapted to the Palestinian context.
2.Refinement of the Position Paper:
- Refine the proposed package of incentives to better align with the specific needs of the Palestinian ICT sector.
- Proposed additional incentives of modifications to existing ones, including tax exemptions, support for research and development funding, and facilitation of access to financing, and other needed areas
- Develop clear, evidence-based arguments to support the proposed incentives, referencing successful models from comparable markets.
3.Collaboration and Coordination:
- Work closely with PITA’s Advocacy Officer, Board of Directors, and task force members and sub-sector committees to ensure the refined position paper aligns with PITA’s strategic goals.
- Engage in regular consultations with key stakeholders, including industry representatives and governmental bodies such as the Ministry of National Economy, the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology, IPIEA, and others to gather insights and secure buy-in for the proposed incentive package.
- Conduct interviews, focus group discussions, and surveys as necessary to collect primary data.
4.Incentive Package Formulation and Finalization:
- Develop a final comprehensive position paper for incentive package for ICT startups and companies, incorporating best practices from regional and international contexts.
- Ensure that the incentive package addresses the unique challenges faced by SMEs and startups and matured companies within the Palestinian ICT sector.
- Ensure the position paper is clear, concise, and suitable for presentation to policymakers and stakeholders.
1. Inception Report:
A detailed work plan outlining the methodology, timeline, and key milestones for the assignment.
2. Interim Report:
Summarizing the literature review and stakeholder consultations.
3.Support Paper:
A detailed support paper presenting the research and rationale behind the recommendations.
4.Summary Paper:
A concise summary paper (maximum 5 pages) that presents the argument as simply as possible.
5. Refined Position Paper:
A comprehensive and refined position paper on the proposed ICT incentive package, incorporating feedback from stakeholders and comparative analyses.
6.Final Report:
A final report summarizing the work undertaken, key findings, and refined position paper.
Duration and Timeline
The assignment is expected to be completed within a period of 20 working days from the date of commencement.
Qualifications and Experience:
- Advanced degree in Economics, Public Policy, ICT, Law, or a related field.
- Demonstrated experience in policy analysis, advocacy, and development of incentive packages, preferably within the ICT sector.
- Familiarity with the Palestinian ICT sector and its regulatory environment.
- Strong analytical, writing, and communication skills.
- Proven track record of successful stakeholder engagement and advocacy.
Application Process
- Detailed CVs of the proposed team.
- Examples of similar work previously undertaken.
- A proposed work plan and timeline.
- A financial proposal (Shall be in USD Currency, and Tax Included).
Please send the technical and financial proposals to this email address: nhamdan@pita.ps , and no later than Monday, the 22 nd of July 2024 at 3:00 PM.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. If you have any further inquiries, please contact Mrs. Nur Hamdan on the phone number: 0593354842
حاضنة انترسكت للريادة (IIH) هو مؤسسة غير ربحية تأسست عام 2020 بهدف دعم النظام البيئي الفلسطيني للابتكار. لتحقيق مهمتها، يوفر IIH للمُبدعين مجموعة من الخدمات التي تمكنهم من الازدهار، بما في ذلك مساحة العمل، وخدمات دعم الأعمال، والتواصل والوصول إلى الشبكات المحلية والدولية، والحلول المالية المخصصة، والاتصال بالمستثمرين.
المهام و المسؤليات
يُعتبر مسؤول جمع التبرعات مسؤولاً عن تطوير وتنفيذ استراتيجيات جمع التبرعات لدعم رسالة مركز تقاطع للابتكار (IIH). ويتضمن هذا الدور بناء علاقات مع المانحين وتطوير مقترحات المنح. والوظيفة بدوام جزئي، تتطلب 20 ساعة أسبوعياً.
- تطوير وتنفيذ خطط واستراتيجيات جمع التبرعات.
- تحديد وتواصل مع المانحين والرعاة المحتملين.
- كتابة وتقديم مقترحات المنح والتقارير للمانحين.
- الحفاظ على قاعدة بيانات المانحين وضمان دقة حفظ السجلات.
- العمل مع فريق الاتصالات لإنشاء مواد جمع التبرعات.
- مراقبة تقدم جمع التبرعات وتقديم تقارير دورية للمدير التنفيذي.
- التعاون مع أعضاء الفريق الآخرين لمواءمة جهود جمع التبرعات مع أهداف المؤسسة.
- القيام بأي مهام أخرى متعلقة بالعمل يكلف بها مدير الإشراف (مدير البرامج).
- درجة البكالوريوس في إدارة الأعمال أو الاتصالات أو إدارة المنظمات غير الربحية أو مجال ذي صلة.
- خبرة لا تقل عن 3 سنوات في جمع التبرعات أو كتابة المنح أو مجال ذي صلة.
- سجل حافل بالنجاح في جمع التبرعات وعلاقات المانحين.
- مهارات قوية في الكتابة والتواصل باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية.
- القدرة على العمل بشكل مستقل و كجزء من فريق.
حاضنة انترسكت للريادة (Intersect Innovation Hub) هو منظمة غير ربحية تأسست في عام 2020 بهدف دعم منظومة الابتكار الفلسطينية. لتحقيق مهمتها، تقدم IIH لرواد الأعمال مجموعة من الخدمات التي تمكنهم من الازدهار، بما في ذلك مساحة العمل، وخدمات الدعم التجاري، والتعرض والوصول إلى الشبكات المحلية والدولية، والحلول المالية المصممة خصيصاً، والاتصال بالمستثمرين.
المهام و المسؤليات
سيكون مسؤول المتابعة والتقييم (M&E) مسؤولاً عن تنفيذ وتعزيز الأنشطة الحالية للمتابعة والتقييم لبرامج IIH، وضمان جودة وفعالية تنفيذ البرامج. يتضمن هذا الدور تحسين إطار المتابعة والتقييم الحالي، وإجراء التقييمات، والإبلاغ عن نتائج البرامج.
- تنفيذ وتعزيز إطار المتابعة والتقييم الحالي لبرامج IIH.
- جمع وتحليل البيانات لتقييم تأثير البرامج وفعاليتها.
- إعداد وتقديم تقارير المتابعة والتقييم المنتظمة للإدارة وأصحاب المصلحة.
- تصميم وتنفيذ الاستطلاعات والمقابلات والمجموعات المركزة.
- ضمان جودة ونزاهة البيانات خلال عملية المتابعة.
- توفير التدريب والدعم للموظفين بشأن منهجيات وأدوات المتابعة والتقييم.
- التعاون مع فرق البرامج لضمان دمج أنشطة المتابعة والتقييم في تخطيط وتنفيذ البرامج.
- الحفاظ على معرفة محدثة بأفضل الممارسات و المنهجيات في مجال المتابعة و التقييم.
- درجة البكالوريوس في العلوم الاجتماعية، أو الإحصاء، أو دراسات التنمية، أو مجال ذي صلة.
- خبرة لا تقل عن 3 سنوات في المتابعة والتقييم و/أو إدارة المشاريع، ويفضل أن تكون في سياق غير ربحي أو تنموي.
- مهارات قوية في التحليل وإدارة البيانات.
- مهارات ممتازة في التواصل و كتابة التقارير باللغتين العربية و الإنجليزية.
وصف الوظيفة
• استقبال العاملين والموردين والضيوف وتحديد حاجاتهم وتوجيهه المطلوب للجهات المعنية.
• استقبال المكالمات الداخلية والخارجية وتحويلها الى الجهات المعنية سواء داخلية او خارجية.
• ارسال الفاكسات الى الجهات المعنية المطلوبة.
• ادارة البريد الداخلي والخارجي و تسجيل وتحديث وارشفة الوثائق والملفات الخاصة بالشؤون الإدارية
• متابعة ملفات ومراسلات مكتب المدير العام بشكل يومي ومستمر.
• تجهيز مراسلات التأمين بأنواعها.
• مسؤول عن مخزن القرطاسية وتوزيع القرطاسية على الدوائر حسب الحاجةوكذلك مسؤول عن طلب النواقص الشهرية لهذا المخزن.
• التأكد من نظافة الاستقبال والارشيف وقاعات الاستقبال.
• اعداد تقارير ادارية و تقارير حضور و غياب الموظفيين.
• استقبال وتصنيف وترقيم طلبات المشتريات من الادارات المختلفة وتنفيذها وفق السياسات والاجراءات المعتمدة
• متابعة وتنفيذ كافة الأعمال المكتبية كاستقبال المكالمات والزوار والطباعة والفاكس وطباعة الكتب ومتابعة طلبات التوظيف بالتعاون مع الموارد البشرية.
• الالتزام بتنفيذ ايةّ تعليمات أخرى وفق توصيات المسؤول المباشر والإدارة العليا.
• اية مهام اخرى توكل من قبل المدير المباشر.
متطلبات الوظيفة:
• دبلوم على الأقل بحد اقصى بكالوريوس في مجال الإدارة.
• خبرة عملية 0-2 سنة في مجال العمل. (مرحب بالخريجين الجدد)
• القدرة على تحمل ضغط العمل، ومهارة الاتصال ولباقة التعامل.
• مهارات المتابعة والمبادرة.
• مهارات الحاسوب- تطبيقات Microsoft Office، والطباعة عربي وانجليزي.
رابط التقديم:
الوصف الوظيفي:
منصة "فرص" تبحث عن متدرب لشغل وظيفة مساعد إداري ومالي. المتدرب سيعمل على دعم العمليات الإدارية والمالية داخل المكتب، بالإضافة إلى تقديم المساعدة في تنظيم الأنشطة والفعاليات المتعلقة بالمنصة.
المهام الوظيفية:
- إدارة الملفات والمستندات وتنظيمها.
- دعم الفريق المالي في إعداد الفواتير والتقارير المالية.
- تنظيم الاجتماعات وتسجيل محاضر الاجتماعات.
- التواصل مع الجهات المختلفة ومتابعة المهام الإدارية.
- المساعدة في إعداد الميزانيات والوثائق المالية الأخرى.
- شهادة جامعية في الإدارة أو المالية أو مجال ذي صلة.
- مهارات جيدة في استخدام برامج Microsoft Office.
- مهارات تواصل فعّالة كتابياً وشفهياً.
- القدرة على التنظيم وإدارة الوقت بشكل جيد.
- اهتمام بالتفاصيل ودقة في العمل.
مزايا العمل:
- تشجيع الخريجين الجدد، ولا تستوجب الخبرة المسبقة.
- الدوام بمكتب فرص (3 أيام بالأسبوع) في رام الله.
- عقد تدريب مدفوع الأجر لمدة تتراوح بين 3 - 6 أشهر حسب الكفاءة.
- إمكانية التعيين بعد فترة التدريب بناءً على تقييم الأداء والالتزام.
نتطلع إلى استقبال طلباتكم والانضمام إلى فريقنا الديناميكي في منصة "فرص"!
DAI is seeking highly qualified candidates for Technical Coordinators Positions (3 Positions)
Projects: Technology for Youth and Jobs (TechStart) Project and Innovative Private Sector Development II (IPSD II) Project
Expected Start Date: ASAP
Level of Effort: Full-time
Location: Ramallah, Palestine
Palestine Technology for Youth and Jobs Project (TechStart)
TechStart is an eight-year, USD $30 million project for the benefit of the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology (MTIT) of the Palestinian Authority, funded by the World Bank (WB), the European Union, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and the Government of the Kingdom of Netherlands, and implemented by DAI Global UK as the Project Implementation Agency (PIA).
It is designed to assist the Palestinian IT ecosystem to upgrade firm capabilities and spur employment growth. TechStart will build the capacity of Palestinian Tech firms, strengthen demand from international buyers and investors, and stimulate the absorption of high-tech knowledge in the ecosystem.
Innovative Private Sector Development II (IPSD II) Project
Innovative Private Sector Development II (IPSD II) is a project funded by the World Bank and the EU, implemented by DAI for the benefit of the Ministry of National Economy (MoNE).
The IPSD II project is a $14.5M follow-on operation to IPSD that will respond to overwhelming demand generated by the interventions supported under its predecessor and scale up its impact. It will scale up IPSD’s efforts to create economic opportunities for individuals and firms in the Palestinian territories by investing in the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and human capital.
DAI is seeking to hire 3 Technical Coordinators to support implementation activities for the different components. The Coordinators will be assigned certain tasks which will include application assessment, verification, data processing, documentation, support activities, and grants follow-up. The Coordinators will work closely with the component leads.
Key Functions and Responsibilities
- Support the team during the implementation of the FLAP process.
- Evaluate grant applications submitted, followed by detailed examination and assessment.
- Upload applications and documents on the internal system used for application processing.
- Validate the evidence through follow-up with applicant firms through emails, phone calls, site visits, and other direct communication and document these follow ups.
- Ensure comprehensive and diligent evaluation of the firm against standards outlined in the program manuals.
- Ensure integrity of practice and compliance with program manuals.
- Discuss individual tentative evaluation, identify issues to be probed further and agree on distribution of responsibilities.
- Follow up with grants team to ensure full cycle completion of application processing.
- Highlight any issues or difficulties encountered; any doubts and types of evidence collected.
- Support operations teams in the implementation of the grants as required, including follow-up with grantees for information, as requested and overseen by Procurement and Finance Specialists.
- Work with Component Managers on implementing project activities including preparation for workshops, training, information gathering, and other assigned tasks.
- Assist in the preparation of trip schedules for consultants and follow up their logistic arrangements.
- Manage the pipeline of applications for the pre-investment program, co-investment program, market access program.
- Ensure that all project activities are entered into the internal system used for application processing.
- Assist in the management of communications between the technical team and the procurement, grants and finance teams.
- Work with the M&E Specialist in monitoring project activities for reporting purposes including monthly briefs and annual impact reports.
- Work with the Communications Officer on designing, implementing and reporting activities related to the project subcomponents.
- Report the events or special activities of the Unit.
- Assist in the day-to-day operations including specific assignments to oversee and coordinate specific programs.
- Work with the team to ensure that all technical and administrative critical path actions necessary to meet schedules, deadlines and deliverables are identified, programmed and acted upon.
- Assist in organizing and facilitating various project activities, events and interventions including planning, budgeting and financial logistics.
- Research information as required for program development and delivery.
- Act as technical writers for documents as needed.
- Demonstrate team-work spirit and a pro-active attitude in accomplishing and delivering tasks.
- Absorb and quickly learn project details and operations/ procedures and provide ideas for improvements and enhancements when possible.
- Perform other related duties as needed.
Qualifications and Experience
- Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Information Technology, Finance, Economics, Accounting, or any related field.
- A minimum of two years’ work experience in business development or program/ product management or related fields. Experience within the Palestinian ICT ecosystem is an advantage.
- Experience in business modeling and assessment of business plans for small to medium companies.
- Knowledge in the tech and entrepreneurship industry locally and internationally is a plus.
- Have analytical skills, experience, and good judgment to recommend and propose informed suggestions relative to project activities.
- Proficiency with MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point.
- High level of interpersonal and diplomatic skills required.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills in Arabic and English.
The post holders will report to the Component Managers.
To Apply:
If you would like to be part of a dynamic project team and are interested in submitting your CV for consideration, please apply through Apply Now button:
Individual position postings including job description and qualifications sought can be viewed at the link provided. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for additional information.
All applications must be received no later than Thursday, May 16, 2024.
About DAI:
DAI is a global development company with corporate offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, EU, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Palestine and project operations worldwide. We tackle fundamental social and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets, ineffective governance, and instability. DAI works on the frontlines of global development. We are committed to shaping a more livable world.
DAI is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer with a commitment to diversity. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran.
Job Purpose:
The Palestine Techno Park (PTP) is seeking a highly motivated and experienced Project Manager to join our dynamic team. You will play a key role in propelling our mission forward by leading and managing a diverse range of projects that contribute to PTP's multifaceted approach. As a Project Manager, you will be responsible for the entire project lifecycle, from initial concept and planning to successful execution, monitoring, and closure.
Key Responsibilities:
- Lead and manage projects from initiation to completion, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and objectives.
- Develop project plans, schedules, and budgets, and track progress against milestones and deliverables.
- Coordinate project teams, assign tasks, and ensure timely completion of project activities.
- Communicate regularly with project stakeholders to provide updates, address concerns, and manage expectations.
- Identify and mitigate project risks and issues, and escalate as necessary to ensure timely resolution.
- Manage project resources, including budget, personnel, and equipment, to optimize project performance.
- Facilitate project meetings, including agenda setting, minute taking, and action item tracking.
- Monitor project expenses and expenditures, and ensure adherence to budgetary constraints.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure project success and alignment with organizational priorities.
- Prepare and present project status reports, including progress, issues, and risks, to senior management and stakeholders.
- Conduct post-project evaluations to assess project outcomes, identify lessons learned, and make recommendations for future improvements.
- Foster a collaborative and positive team environment, promoting innovation, creativity, and continuous improvement.
- Stay informed about industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies relevant to project management.
- Ensure compliance with project management standards, policies, and procedures.
- Bachelor's degree in Computer/Electronics Engineering or related field
- 5+ years of hands-on experience in a technical lab or core technology role
- At least 4-5 years’ experience working with entrepreneurs, start-ups, learning/ tinkering labs, incubator or incubation consultancy.
- Demonstrated ability to cultivate, build and maintain strong working relationships with start-ups, entrepreneurs, mentors, universities, research institutions, industry experts, associations, chamber of commerce & industries, state & central government, and angel investors.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities
- Ability to learn new technologies quickly
- Effective technical documentation and communication skills
- Passion for emerging technologies and startup innovation
- Project management and stakeholder coordination skills
Job Title Product Owner
Division Product
Department Acceleration - Product Management
Reports to Product Manager
- Play a pivotal role in driving the development of our products from concept to market release. Work closely with crossfunctional teams, including development, design, and marketing, to ensure the successful delivery of high-quality products that meet customer needs and business objectives.
01. Define and communicate the product vision, roadmap, and strategy.
02. Collaborate with senior management to align product goals with the overall business strategy.
03. Ensure that the product backlog is well-defined, up-to-date, and aligned with business objectives.
04. Lead requirement gathering efforts, working closely with stakeholders to define, prioritize, and document product requirements, user stories, and acceptance criteria.
05. Foster collaboration between development, design, marketing, and other teams to ensure the successful execution of product plans.
06. Act as a bridge between technical and non-technical teams to facilitate understanding and alignment.
07. Advocate for exceptional user experiences by working closely with design teams.
08. Stay informed about industry trends, competitor products, and customer feedback to inform product decisions.
09. Define release scope and priorities based on customer needs and business goals.
10. Coordinate with development teams to ensure successful and timely product releases.
11. Collaborate with QA teams to validate that product features meet the defined acceptance criteria and quality standards.
12. Monitor post-release feedback and iterate on product improvements.
13. Communicate project status, updates, and priorities to relevant stakeholders, including team members and senior management.
14. Manage and set expectations with stakeholders, keeping them informed and engaged throughout the product development cycle.
15. Define and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess product success and make data-driven decisions.
16. Use data analytics to identify opportunities for product optimization and enhancement.
17. Takes Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) lead in ensuring “safe systems of work” and “safe conditions” are in place within area of responsibility.
18. Performs other similar or related duties as required or assigned by management.
A. Educational Requirements / Qualifications:
Bachelor's degree in business, computer science, or a related field. Master's degree is a plus.
B Experience:
3-5 years of relevant experience.
Proven experience as a Product Owner or Product Manager, preferably in a senior role.
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Excellent communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills.
- Deep understanding of Agile development methodologies (e.g., Scrum, Kanban)
- Proficiency in product management tools and software.
- Experience with software development processes and technologies.
- Proactive attitude and ability to thrive in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.
- Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
- Strong oral and written communication.
D. KPI’s
- Vision Clarity: Ensure that the product vision is clearly defined and understood by the development team and stakeholders.
- Alignment with Business Strategy: Measure the degree of alignment between the product roadmap and the organization's business objectives.
- Requirement Quality: Monitor the quality and completeness of product requirements, user stories, and acceptance criteria.
- Requirement Changes: Track the number of requirement changes or additions after initial grooming and the impact on project timelines.
- Backlog Health: Assess the health of the product backlog, including its size, prioritization, and alignment with customer needs.
- Backlog Grooming Efficiency: Measure the efficiency and effectiveness of backlog grooming sessions.
- Team Collaboration: Evaluate collaboration and communication within cross-functional teams, including development, design, and marketing.
- Stakeholder Engagement: Measure the engagement and satisfaction of stakeholders involved in the product development process.
- UX Improvements: Track the number of usability enhancements implemented based on user feedback.
- User Satisfaction: Gather user feedback and measure satisfaction with product features and improvements.
- Release Success Rate: Measure the successful delivery of planned features or product increments without major issues or delays.
- Release Frequency: Track the frequency of product releases and the ability to meet release deadlines.
- KPI Monitoring: Define and track relevant product KPIs, such as user engagement, conversion rates, and customer retention.
- Data-Driven Decisions: Assess the use of data analytics to inform product decisions and optimizations.
- Competitor Analysis: Evaluate the regularity and impact of competitor analysis on product decisions.
- Market Feedback Utilization: Measure how customer feedback and market research influence product improvements.
- Innovation Initiatives: Monitor the introduction of innovative features or improvements to the product.
- Process Improvements: Assess contributions to process improvements in product management and development.
- Effective Communication: Evaluate the effectiveness of communication with stakeholders at all levels, including executives.
- Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measure customer satisfaction and loyalty, especially for products with external customers.
- Revenue Growth: Track the impact of product decisions on revenue growth, profitability, or cost reduction.
- Team Satisfaction: Measure the satisfaction and performance of the product development team.
- Mentorship and Coaching: Assess the ability to mentor and coach junior product owners or team members.
دعم الشركات الناشئة والفرق التقنية الفلسطينية
تصفح الفرص